Yes, don't go shootin' your pecker off. I snorted when I read that line.

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After taking the ASVAB test in high school (which somehow was mandatory) I must have scored pretty damned high, because I was hounded by a recruiter. If I had done that, I'd be retired by now, but I wouldn't have had all of the crazy, f**king great experiences that I've had in my lifetime. Now that I'm older, I'm probably semi-regimented enough to do it, but no way they would want me!

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I have taken several forks in the road that make me wonder what might have happened had I stayed on a different course. I was engaged 3 times in my young life. Had I married either of the first 2, I would certainly have had a different life. But I most assuredly not have had the three kids I am now proud to call mine - and for them - I am thankful that I didn't choose either of the other two (plus, I'd probably be divorced by now if I had.)

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