Jan 18, 2022Liked by Jeff Kay

I just turned 50, but let my hair grow in completely silver in the past year or so, so from behind I must look 80. I get offered the senior discount when checking out at the grocery store, but I don't mind saving a dollar, so I accept it. Begrudgingly.

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Jiffy Pop is silver, so my transformation is nearly complete.

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Good stuff!

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Thank you!

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Dec 7, 2021·edited Jan 12, 2022

Hi. I know very little about baseball. Its just not a 'thing' across here in Scotland. The closest we get to it is being made to play rounders in the Scouts as kids. I'm very aware that it's a special thing for you guys, and that's cool. It's similar, in a way, to cricket, in that I'm aware that it exists, but it might as well be a martial art for English homosexuals!

I hear you loud and clear on the ageing thing though. Once you're this side of 50, there's no going back to 'cool'. There's actually very little point in trying, which can be liberating too.

I look forward to more curmudgeonly observations in the near future!

Ian in Scotland.

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Thanks, Ian. You're right about it being freeing to not have to worry about being cool anymore (lost cause). But I'm not yet ready to fully embrace being old. The woman at the haircut place rang my purchase up as a "senior cut" the other day and I was annoyed for hours.

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My barber used to ask if I wanted my eyebrows trimmed. Now he just does it. It's the little things you notice.

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As a lifelong baseball fan, I really like the analogy. I feel like as a guy who smoked from 18 to my late 30s, I'm probably at the bottom of the 5th at 47. I feel no problems from smoking at this point, but I have to wonder if that shit won't end up haunting me. But man, did I like to smoke when I did. I often said that I would rather die from it than quit. Then my wife told me that she didn't want to have sex very much because of the smell. I quit within a month. This seems like something that would get a ton of attention on Reddit.

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Haha. It just takes the proper motivation, huh? Congrats on giving up the cigs!

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I go to bed with the chickens and am happy if nothing hurts too much. Also, I've started reading the obits and seeing parents of friends or friends.

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Ugh. My parents routinely tell me how many people are left from their high school class. How do they have this information at their fingertips?! Apparently somebody is crunching the numbers. Every time they give the latest data I grimace. I'd rather remain ignorant.

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Yeah......turning 59 on Sunday (a few days behind you), I'm feelin' this way too. I've always liked watching sunsets but these days the double-meaning thereof is beyond ironic.

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Happy belated, Mark! I'm confident with both have many more sunrises and sunsets in our future. ...Reasonably confident.

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I'm not as old as you, and I'm a tech-savvy engineer, but I really dislike QR codes instead of printed restaurant menus. If I'm dining out I prefer to leave my phone in the car. I do the same at the theatre or movies too.

Nothing wrong with Fresca with a good slug of tequila - it's the lazy man's lo-cal Paloma!

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I don't like them, either. But not because they baffle me. They often take you to a generic menu, meant for the entire chain, with dubious information.

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It's not the QR code scanning that bothers me - it's the need to bring reading glasses when we go out to eat. It was bad enough to get that AARP "invite" at 50 - who's retiring at 50!? Now my biggest worry is sleep-related injury. At least I still have my teeth.

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Yes, I sometimes have to fire up my cell phone flashlight to read the menu in a dimly-lit restaurant. I tell Toney I'm buying a coal miner helmet the next time we're in West Virginia. It's not good. Why so dark?!

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Firemen, police, any municipal worker. Jeff and I share a birthday, but I’m only in the Top o’ the 6th! I just turned 52 and folks I went to school with are retiring. 30 years in and you’re free!

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Yes, my own dad retired at 50. He reminds me of it regularly. Good stuff.

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Oh, and someone at work called me "spry" a few years ago. Spry is never a compliment, it's more like saying "impressed you didn't break a hip".

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Just wait until they just give you the senior discount without asking!

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It just happened at Great Clips. Girl rang it up as a "senior cut." Ruined my day. What a bunch of shit.

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'Can I help you out with your groceries?' at a store not Publix. Grrr. I definitely feel like it's time to talk with HR about my retirement possibilities. I'm getting too old to fret this badly about work stuff at 2 a.m. (which is why I'm reading this now). I feel like I'm at least 2/3rd of the way 'home' and I don't care for it one bit.

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I hear ya! My job generates a ton of stress, and I often find myself lying awake when I should be sleeping, worrying about some insanity there. I've about had my fill of worry and anxiety.

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