Great article and it made me think about all of my unforgettable who’s in my life. Too bad Facebook can’t create a search engine to search for these people. “Uncontrollable acne”, “ Ungodly body odor”, “ability to vomit on command” etc. Keep up the great work bud!
It's good that you've got a hefty back catalog of these memories, preserved on the internet and wherever else. Someday when you're reclining in a forgetful fog at Shady Pines, the Secrets can read some of your golden oldies back to you, and you'll be transported right back to the classroom with that kid and his snot rocket... that's how you wanna go out, remembering the good stuff :-) Great post!
Great article and it made me think about all of my unforgettable who’s in my life. Too bad Facebook can’t create a search engine to search for these people. “Uncontrollable acne”, “ Ungodly body odor”, “ability to vomit on command” etc. Keep up the great work bud!
It's good that you've got a hefty back catalog of these memories, preserved on the internet and wherever else. Someday when you're reclining in a forgetful fog at Shady Pines, the Secrets can read some of your golden oldies back to you, and you'll be transported right back to the classroom with that kid and his snot rocket... that's how you wanna go out, remembering the good stuff :-) Great post!