Hi. I concur! Having started back at Art College as an (extra) mature student, I'm working in a bar again as a source of income.

Last week a girl in her twenties told me she thought I was 35. I told her that she'd be bang on if she inverted those numbers! She couldn't grasp what I was telling her. Don't get me wrong, I would take it as a big compliment if I thought that she had any concept about life after 40, but she didn't. It's like getting a compliment about your haircut from Stevie Wonder!

I struggle with these lists too. Let's face it, they're only there to take our minds off the important stuff!

Keep up the work!

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"spelunking the internet's anus". I don't suppose you have any pictures of that do you?

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Right on the money Jeff. I’m a firm millennial but even my generation is being slammed from Gen Z (I’ve heard of things like “millennial boomer” for example.) Most of this crap is passed down generation to generation: the youngins don’t like the fogeys, and the fogeys don’t like the youngins.

What really irks me is when people my age (early thirties) just give up on embracing any change. Like I know people that are proud of not learning the new Windows or iOS. Or talk shit continuously about TikTok. You know, our parents hated Instagram and talked about it in the same way. Just let the kids do what they want.

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First episode of this Jeffism, loved it because I saw the same boolshite and only got through the first five or six before my cabbage was over done and I wanted to delete everything Googlefied.

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Always a good read.

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